January 12, 2014

7 Hobbies/Activities to Pick Up.

       I always put an image at the beginning of my blog post and today I wanted to get a quote (because I have quotes scattered throughout my life and I adore them). I got on my favorite quote website (brainyquote.com) and was looking under the inspiration category and I came across this. They didn't have an image along with it so I created this one, but even though I am still young I feel like I'm often living my life for the future. I don't ever take time to appreciate what opportunities I may find now. Therefore the beginning of this post goes to taking opportunities, even if you have to look for them. Onto the rest of the post, 8 hobby or activity ideas for you to learn or pickup. (There is not a requirement to do any or all of these, they are only suggestions.)

1. Musical Instruments. I play the viola and a little piano, both on an amateur level, but nonetheless I am quite fond of them. For a lot of people playing an instrument is a fantastic stress release, but that doesn't mean it is right for you. If you are considering this then don't be afraid to do something completely random like the banjo (my neighbor plays) or the bagpipes (my previous orchestra teacher). Be spontaneous. Don't give up.

2. Pick up a Sport. There are hundreds of sport activities all around you whether it is playing volleyball with your church or being on your school's basketball team, or it could be something that isn't so mainstream like fencing. Not only are sports physical activity, but they can teach you discipline, like gymnastics, and/or intense strategy.

3. and whilst we're on the topic of strategy, School Clubs. Now you can probably guess that I am referring to chess club, but as unusual and commonly mocked it is, I find it quite interesting. I can barely play on a beginner level and I've only been playing online for a month or so. It is very brain stimulating and has actually been proven to improve life skills. Albeit I'm not in a chess club, I think I would be more competitive if I had to play against a real life opponent. I know that I've only talked about chess in this category, but look around your school at clubs or even around your city/town. If you can't find anything that you seem to desire, maybe you could start your own club at school. Don't be afraid to be different.

4. Gardening. I do not have a green thumb whatsoever and the closest I have ever come to it was when I grew tomatoes in my backyard when I was 7. I, however, do know that some people find it very therapeutic. Maybe it will be your niche, so give it a shot. You really don't have anything to lose.

5. Meditation. Yes, this is a habit more than a hobby. I do meditate occasionally and have discovered that it will usually keep me in a positive mood all day. I am not an expert and honestly for my first time I searched on google how to meditate, but I don't feel like there is a completely wrong way to do it. If you have been super bothered by everything lately then just give it a shot for 15 minutes a day and see if it makes a difference.

6. Crafting. If you are looking to bring out your inner-creative side then all you need to do is create a pinterest account, seriously. Don't overwhelm yourself with five projects at once and keep in mind that you are doing this for fun so don't fret if it isn't to your standards. The perfectionist that I am will often cause dilemmas for me when I do DIY projects or look through old sketch books, but in reality just take a step back and feel proud of yourself for completing something. There is a reward in completion. 

7. Cooking. Once again I am not very good in the kitchen. I can barely make pancakes, but some people find it very soothing. There are so many aspects to cooking and new things to try. Whether it's barbecuing on the grill, making a fruit smoothie, or experimenting with a new spaghetti sauce. Jump over the edge of your comfort zone. 

8. Reading. I constantly have my nose in a book. The thing about finding a marvelous book is for a little while you can be somebody else. You don't have to be the quiet girl you can be mysterious and fierce. You don't have to be the obnoxiously loud one, you can be the delightful dancer. If you ever need a book to read or a review of a book I will be more than happy to comply. I would say it's nice to relax into a nice book, but in reality half of the books I read have tears streaming down my face and the other half has me bouncing on my toes. Just enjoy it. 



  1. I love reading, gardening and cooking :) i find them very theraputic :)

    Btw you asked me what camera I use, it's a canon 600d with a 50mm lens :)


  2. great advice! I recently started golf and absolutely love it! I wish I had started sooner and regret not having more time to play on a high school team (Im a senior)


    1. I am extremely confused by golf and all of the terms to come with it, just as I a with football and baseball. I know the feeling of wishing you had started sooner because I have the same feeling with so many things... including things that I haven't even started yet.


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